18 Jul 2019

Improving Responses to Migrants' Needs in Crises

IOM trained Djibouti officials on migration crisis management this week, focusing on coordination between agencies to ensure migrant protection is addressed in crisis response.

The training also fostered a productive inter-agency dialogue between the Ministries of Interior, Foreign Affairs, and Social Affairs, the National Police, National Gendarmerie, and National Office for Assistance of Refugees and Disasters’ Victims, the Civil Protection agency, and municipal and prefecture level officials.

The activity was delivered in coordination with IOM’s Migrants in Countries in Crisis (MICIC) experts.

At the training, officials worked up recommendations to improve Djibouti’s crisis response plan (the ORSEC Plan, named for the Organisation des Secours en situation de Catastrophes).

A representative of the US Embassy attended and gave remarks about US government support for Djibouti.

The training was provided under the IOM-PRM Africa Regional Migration Program.