Type of practice
Domestic laws and policies
Country (Check all that apply)
Name of Stakeholder Implementing the Practice
Government of Indonesia
Type of Stakeholder Implementing the Practice (Check all that apply)
State of Origin
Type of crisis (Check all that apply)
Natural Disaster
Crisis phase (Check all that apply)
Crisis Preparedness
Description of the practice

As a result of Presidential Instruction No. 6/2006, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a Regulation No. 4/2008, which establishes the concept of a ‘citizen service’ by intensifying office and interoffice performance within the ministry. This regulation is designed to assist and protect Indonesian citizens abroad. In reality, most of the services target labour migrants working in domestic services as they are most likely to experience problems, often as a result of a lack of labour laws that cover them. The instruction also includes directions for Indonesian representatives to check regulations in destination countries that have not signed an MoU with Indonesia in order to ensure that private recruitment agencies are accredited and that contracts contain articles concerning the protection of labour migrants. The instruction also covers the supervision of these agreements and the handling of employment-related problems for labour migrants. Indonesian embassies and consulates abroad also have representatives who can provide legal aid for Indonesian citizens with legal problems. Various services are provided to handle problems experienced by labour migrants such as being lost, neglected, losing contact with family, accidents, hospitalizations, being the victim of crime or human trafficking, death, being arrested, or being deported. In addition, there is a special service provision for labour migrants who pass away while abroad.

Guideline(s)/Thematic area(s) (Check all that apply)
Capacity building
GUIDELINE 8: Build capacity and learn lessons for emergency response and post-crisis action

Limited resources, funding, and technical skills can all affect the robustness of emergency and post-crisis responses. Understanding and assessing these limitations is a critical first step towards overcoming them. Stakeholders’ investment in their own capacity to improve emergency response and post-crisis recovery for migrants is critical.

Capacity building may relate to such varied areas as consular services, training for responders, resource allocation, funding mechanisms, insurance schemes, relief goods and services, border and migration management, and relocation and evacuation. Many of these areas are relevant for both the emergency and post-crisis phases. Stakeholders should also consider addressing potential reintegration challenges for migrants, their families, and communities, facilitating re-employment, income generation, and safe remigration, and supporting migrants to access outstanding wages, assets, and property left in host States.

States, private sector actors, international organizations, and civil society should assist one another to build and improve their capacity to respond. Undertaking advocacy, monitoring and evaluations, raising awareness, conducting training, sharing information, building research and knowledge, and supporting and learning from each other all help to improve collective efforts to protect migrants.

Sample Practices

Training and capacity building of stakeholders, such as on effective ways to access migrants and identify vulnerability and needs.
Dedicated funding to protect migrants, including budget lines, loans, and funding platforms.
Referral mechanisms that map rosters of experts who can address diverse needs of different migrants.
Peer-to-peer exchanges for capacity building and learning on tackling challenges associated with protecting migrants.
Training for consular officials, such as on collecting information on citizens and crisis management, including evacuation.
Monitoring and evaluation of crisis responses that includes analysis of responses towards migrants.

Migrant population targeted by the practice
citizens abroad
Migrant workers
Migrant domestic workers
Migrants’ vulnerabilities and needs addressed by the practice
Access to consular assistance
labor rights
consular services
labor rights
human trafficking
Manila consultation report